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Table 6 Structural model (N = 615)

From: Gastronomic satisfaction of the tourist: empirical study in the Creative City of Popayán, Colombia

A. Path

B. Coefficient

C. t test

H1: Gastronomy motivations - > gastronomy satisfaction

− 0.425


H2a: Gastronomy motivations - > importance culinary experience



H2b: Importance of culinary experience- > gastronomy satisfaction



  1. (A) Path analysis defines the order of the dependencies among the variables of the model. (B) Variation coefficient represents the degree of relationship between the two variables in each path of variables. (C) The t test is used to determine whether there is a difference in the means of the two groups
  2. Note. Significant coefficients. ap < 0.01; bp < 0.05